
On 25 JUL 18, CEO of NEC-SE, was asked to make some key final remarks at the IRF Roundtable Working Lunch held at the Hart Senate Office Building

It was an honor for NEC-SE to participate in and be asked by the chair of the IRF Roundtable working lunch, at the Hart Senate Office Building, to deliver some key final remarks at the 26 Jul 18 planning and coordination meeting. The lunch featured leaders of the International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief. Their were two moderated discussions, serving the dual purpose of an accurate summary and a call-to- action: 1. What did we hear and learn this week at the Ministerial and the side events around it? 2. What are we going to do now, where & when? In answering the second question, the assembly discussed the IRF Roundtable vision and plans to establish a global, interlocking network of multi-faith religious freedom/policy roundtables and coordinate its actions with the global network of governments (per the International Contact Group for Freedom of Religion or Belief) and the global network of legislators (per the International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief). We also discussed the regions and countries that are most likely to embrace, respect and work with multi-faith roundtables.

Categories: Governance

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