
Re-examining US Dollar Performance and Geopolitics in the Trump Administration

Excerpt: “NEC-SE is dedicated to providing our readers with the information they need to understand the interrelatedness of economic and political topics and issues in the Middle East. The more we understand the economic footing of the United States the better we can understand its limitations and needs in reference to its Middle Eastern foreign policy. This also holds true for Israel, which is the only nation that has advocated for a Kurdish state in Iraq. If, as seems likely, a Kurdish state is established, Israel will seek to control the Kirkuk oil fields through the Kurds. Russia is also seeking to control the Kirkuk oil fields through the Kurds, and to that end it signed today an agreement with the KRG to build a pipeline from Kirkuk to Turkey. Russia has taken this step despite the possibility that war will erupt in the region on 26 SEP 17 in the event that the KRG referendum for independence passes.”

Now controlled by Kurds, Kirkuk oil fields are up for grabs

Israel endorses independent Kurdish state

NEC-SE usd9-15


Categories: Development, Governance

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