
Haqqani Network publicizes training camp in Afghanistan

Two of the main reasons why Afghanistan is hard to administer is because it is still tribal and tied to the various resourcing that funds illegal drugs.  This combination requires tribalism for survival and criminal networks to allow majority of the Afghans to have access to money and power.  A centralized governmental system that is geared towards destroying those two elements in order to function and administer the land of the Afghans will always be under pressure to allow corruption and tribalism in order to survive.

“The Salahadin Ayyubi camp, which is named after the famous Kurdish Sunni Muslim commander in the Crusades, is highlighted within the lengthy “Army of Badr” video. A little over halfway into the 95-minute release, the camp is shown in a heavily stylized fashion. Fighters are shown undergoing various physical training exercises before partaking in weapons drills. The weapons used include AK-47 assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades (RPG’s), SPG-9 recoilless rifles, and various rocket systems.”
“The location of the camp was not disclosed, however, it is likely in eastern Afghanistan where the Haqqanis are known to operate, or in North Waziristan, Pakistan, where the network also maintains a headquarters.”
“The fighters who trained at the Salahadin Ayyubi camp executed a complex suicide assault against the headquarters for the Afghan National Directorate of Security in the southeastern province of Ghazni on Sept. 4, 2014. According to Pajhwok Afghan News, 14 security personnel and 19 heavily armed Taliban fighters were killed and another 154 people were wounded during the coordinated attack.”

“The Taliban is known to operate scores of camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Over the last year, the jihadist group specifically touted camps in Faryab, Kunar, and Paktika. Other jihadist groups also operate camps inside Afghanistan. For instance, the US government stated in 2014 that Harakat-ul-Mujahideen, a Pakistani jihadist group that is closely allied with al Qaeda, “operates terrorist training camps in eastern Afghanistan.” The Turkistan Islamic Party, a Uighur jihadist group closely allied to al Qaeda, has also showcased a training camp reportedly in Afghanistan earlier this year.” (Coordination Center)

Haqqani Network publicizes training camp in Afghanistan


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