LTC Sangari claims – “ISIS is trying to destroy Bible prophecy in Middle East – particularly the prophecies of Isaiah!” Brandon BIG B of PNN Radio and Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups […]
Why Talks with Iran Threatens Stability in the Middle East
Nuclear agreements with Iran makes our other Middle East allies nervous What does Iran have to do with Yemen and Syria? from Bill Martinez LIVE
Why The Christians in Iraq Must Survive
Why The Christians in Iraq must survive- Prophecies in the Bible concerning Israel, Egypt & Assyria remain to be fulfilled- hence ISIS is hell-bent on exterminating Assyrian Christians to attempt to disprove […]
Another Warning to Assyrian Leaders and People in Syria and Iraq — Time is Running Out!
On 25 JAN 15, and as described in a previous post, the Assyrian Universal Alliance in San Jose, California had me speak to members of the Assyrian community on developments affecting Assyrians […]
Turkey Moves to Close All Gates at Border With Syria
On 25 March 2015 NEC-SE Posted Another Warning to Assyrian Leaders and People in Syria and Iraq — Time is Running Out! In that post we stated: “With clearing operations in Mosul […]
Why the Double Standard? (from Bill Martinez LIVE)
LISTEN NOW: America support?s the Peshmerga, the Sunnis and the Yezidi, but NOT the ?Assyrian ?Christians of Nineveh? Are Assyrian Christian women and children fit only to be sex slaves and decapitated? LTC Sargis […]
The Star-and-Crescent
In their ongoing genocidal campaign to eradicate the Assyrian nation by killing Assyrian civilians and anyone else who stands in their way, rampaging ISIL fighters are also destroying Assyrian artifacts, cities, and […]
The Passing of Mar Dinkha IV, the Head of the Church of the East
Even as the Assyrian communities in the Middle East is being eradicated, we have endured another blow to the Assyrian nation with the passing of Mar Dinkha IV, the head of the […]
Another Warning to Assyrian Leaders and People in Syria and Iraq — Time is Running Out!
On 25 JAN 15, and as described in a previous post, the Assyrian Universal Alliance in San Jose, California had me speak to members of the Assyrian community on developments affecting Assyrians […]
Link Analysis using open source materials
The eradication of the Assyrian Christian community in the Khabur River Valley of Syria is nearing completion. The historical Assyrian homelands and villages in this region will soon belong either to ISIL […]