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The leak from Nancy Pelosi’s Office Ensured Victory For The CCP.

Whether Nancy Pelosi visits #Taiwan or not, the leak from her office has delivered a much-needed political victory to the CCP. 

On 29 JUL 22, a Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) government propagandist said that #Beijing could shoot down House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s plane if she visited Taiwan in August. 

If the House Speaker does not visit Taiwan, it sends a political message that the U.S. is backing down given CCP pressures. 

If the House Speaker visits Taiwan, it gives the CCP the flexibility to take action against Taiwan as early as October of this year, using the backyard wars as an excuse to expand their activities in #Asia. 

The war against the CCP was lost by the U.S. the moment the public began debating her possible trip to Taiwan.

Unfortunately for the U.S., our Congressional Leaders are too short-sighted and impatient to understand we have lost. But, on the other hand, some are too close to the CCP to care. 

The visit by Pelosi was not confirmed by her office but by Republican Michael McCaul of Texas, ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. McCaul declined to accompany her to the meeting due to prior commitments. 

Pelosi is well known for her and her husband’s economic entanglements with CCP front organizations, and it is an apparent volte-face for the House Speaker to deride the party that has made her family wealthy suddenly. 

So why the visit?

The answer is tied to the upcoming conference between President Biden and Chinese leaders to discuss reductions in the tariffs by the Trump Administration. The Biden Regime has mismanaged the U.S. economy into a massive recession approaching the midterms and needs an economic shot in the arm to avoid a blowout come November. President Xi and the CCP are facing an economic implosion greater than that of the U.S., putting the entire authoritarian system of the CCP in jeopardy. Pelosi may have been bluffing to offer a laurel leaf to Beijing and give them a face-saving measure in the upcoming conference. 

If and when Pelosi does not visit Taiwan, the CCP can claim victory and look “generous” in negotiations with U.S. leaders—allowing Biden and Xi to hash out a backroom agreement that continues to prop up the dictatorial regime in Beijing. Such an outcome would also give investors confidence in the U.S., confirming that cheap slave labor goods can again flow at bargain basement prices to U.S. stores, increasing profit margins and “reversing” the recession.

But Pelosi’s political capitulation was called out by former Secretary of State Pompeo, multiple Republicans, and even a few morally guided Democrats. First, Pompeo offered to accompany Pelosi on her trip to Taiwan with the House’s minority leader Kevin McCarthy, ensuring that Pelosi could not so easily cancel her trip. If the former Secretary of State and CIA Director believes it is safe, then Pelosi has no excuse not to travel. 

But perhaps more importantly, Pompeo offered to ensure that Pelosi does not tell Taiwan in a closed room session that the U.S. supports the CCP. Pompeo and the others would ensure that the last bastion of “Free China” remains free of CCP occupation and would not be sold out by U.S. Congressional “leaders.”

No matter which scenario turns out to be the real motive behind Pelosi’s leaked visit details, one thing is for sure: Pelosi is most likely not the best person to visit Taiwan and send a message of U.S. resolve and support at this time.

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