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On 24 JUL 18, CEO of NEC-SE, LTC (R) Sargis Sangari, Participated in a Discussion Forum of Vatican Efforts to Advance International Religous Freedom

On 24 JUL 18, CEO of NEC-SE, LTC (R) Sargis Sangari, talked with the former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; Newt Gingrich, The Vatican Secretary for Relations with States; Thomas Farr, and participate in a discussion forum of Vatican efforts to advance international religious freedom, and the U.S.-Vatican cooperation in those efforts with Amb. Callista Gingrich, US Ambassador to the Holy See; Rep. Francis Rooney (FL-19), Former US Ambassador to the Holy See; Archbishop Paul Gallagher, and President of the Religious Freedom Institute; William Saunders, Co-Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Catholic University of America. The event was Co-Sponsored by: Religious Freedom Institute & The Center for Religious Liberty at The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law Open Invitation to Civil Society and Government at the Rayburn House Office Building.

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