The Iranian general is doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin, and his tour of the Golan is Putin’s way of telling Israel: “I am in charge of the new Middle East and […]
LTC Sargis Sangari Interview on Turkey, and Iran on 16 JUL 16 on Jimmy Sengenberger Show
On 16 JUL 16 LTC Sargis Sangari spoke on the Jimmy Sengenberger Show about the Fake Turkish Coup D’Etat and possible upcoming “legal” or military Coup in Iran. Related Articles: […]
Shooting Others and Ourselves in the Face: U.S. Blind Support of the PMF Structures in Iraq
Today NEC-SE CEO posted an article in Western Free Press that looked at the PMF structure in Iraq. An excerpt follows: “While on the surface, this appears to be an official Iraqi […]
Turkey: Over 50,000 Arrested, Suspended, or Fired over Coup Attempt
On 16 JUL 16 NEC-SE posted: “Will President Erdogan now attempt to become the life time President of Turkey?” In the article we stated: If this was staged by AKP expect […]
Now that Recep Erdogan staged a Coup D’Etat to retain power in Turkey will the Iranian Republican Guard Corp and hardliners do the same in Iran?
It seems that Recep Erdo?an’s formula for retaining power may now be duplicated in Iran prior to that country’s 2017 elections. On 18 JUL 16 AP reported that “a year after Iran’s […]
WGN TV Channel 9, Interview of LTC Sargis Sangari by Judy Wang
NEC-SE CEO provides the backstory on the Turkish Coup D’Etat and the most recent terrorist attack in France. On 16 JUL 16, LTC Sargis Sangari was interviewed by Judy Wang on WGN TV […]
Will President Erdogan now attempt to become the life time President of Turkey?
Earlier today NEC-SE posted the article: NEC-SE expects all political opposition in Turkey to be outlawed shortly given the government is still in charge of the Judiciary. In the article we stated: If this […]
Flash: NEC-SE expects all political opposition in Turkey to be outlawed shortly given the government is still in charge of the Judiciary.
An hour ago NEC-SE posted the article asking our readers if the AKP or the Turkish Military General Staff staged this Coup D’Etat in Turkey. If this was staged by AKP expect […]
Flash: Turkeys Coup or AKP stage to run snap elections?
NEC-SE asks its readers if this is either AKP staging a coup to make it easy for Turkey to run snap elections, or the government is seized by needed influence.
France is attacked, NEC-SE again asks: Who Speaks for Islam? Who Should Speak for Islam?
On 28 SEP 2015 NEC-SE posted the article: NEC-SE asks: Who Speaks for Islam? Who Should Speak for Islam? In the article we stated: “Where is the spiritual leader of Islam who […]