
NEC-SE Will Offer Private Security Briefings to It’s Readers


The NEAR EAST CENTER FOR STRATEGIC ENGAGEMENT is pleased to announce that, in response to numerous requests, it is preparing private security briefings exclusively for its readers.

These private in-person briefings will be offered by invitation only, with a maximum participation of 18 per group.

Lieutenant Colonel Sargis Sangari,  (CEO NEC-SE), will conduct the briefings in a manner similar to those he has conducted for his Military Commanders, the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, members of Congress, etc.

Each participant will have the opportunity to interact with LTC Sangari as well as the other members of their group.  Specific attention will be given to your questions relating to Near East and homeland security, current developments, and short/long term prognosis, as well as other subjects of your personal interest related to the Near East.

Pre-Registration will be announced next week.


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