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Iranian president signs billion-dollar deals with Italy after sanctions are lifted

On 25 JAN 16 NEC-SE posted Saving Europe (again) at America’s Expense: Welcome to the Iranian Nuclear/Economic Deal.  In the article we stated: “Based on these and other similar developments in the Middle East, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that the Sunni states are dying as Shiite Iran rises. With the rest of the world providing the nails, Iran is hammering shut the coffin on the Sunni states.” states:  A senior Italian official said companies in Italy would sign about €17 billion worth of deals when Mr Rouhani comes to Rome on Monday on the first leg of his European tour. He is set to meet French President Francois Hollande in Paris on Thursday. Announcement of the purchases, likely to be financed by European export-import agency loans and possibly worth up to $18.4 billion, could occur later this week when Iranian President Hassan Rouhani travels to Europe. Rouhani, who is heading a 120-member delegation of business leaders and ministers from the country, will spend two days in Rome before flying to France on Wednesday.

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